About us

When I think about "us" I realize that I cannot do this work alone. 

Together with my colleague/friends from the profession and my love, we quickly look for connections in order to be of service as best as possible and to do everything from the grace of our Goddess. 

"Us" also refers to all the energies I work with. Everything that The Source (for me The Goddess) produces, feels as if they are my helpers and together with them I can do my work with passion and dedication.

Goddesses, Gods, Ancestors, Angels, Guides, Light Beings, The Universe or The All. All names that we know deep in our hearts have always been there and that we can always connect with. 

Yes, we are never alone. 

It has ensured that, in connection with myself and others, I can move mountains that were not even possible before, because I had not yet absorbed the necessary insights and lessons. 

I like to guide people in this. 

Inspire and be inspired.

What has changed my life enormously is the awareness to live from gratitude. This can only be done by not taking life for granted. And within this context I have been enormously inspired by others. And I hope to be an inspiration to others here and there. 

I would like to share with love those who have inspired me and helped me in my growth process. and still do. They have challenged me and how wonderful it is that out of gratitude I can put these great guys in the spotlight and call them by name. 

Links: Margarita van Rongen. www.heksehoeve.com 

Kathy Jones and Luna Silver www.goddesstempleco.uk 

Samantha Harteveld www.delichtewereld.nl 

Kelly Smit www.kellysmit.com Ilse Benschop www.massagepraktijkilse.nl 

Sandra de Jager www.sandradejager.nl 

Samantha Foley www.samanthafoleywelbeing.com 

Jennifer Murphy (Link only works with copy and paste) 

Instagram the_goddessoracle and https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/GoddessRitualsShop?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAabYzUhXBN-1W2tYrjaxjYF79GwWFyCMDCvW4gXOJhllcL3pcjjIptn8__I_aem_uWWDPwVOPziRiXbl4ee_VQ